Saturday, 20 June 2020

Weather to make a antenna

whether weather two to too their there...

Well I decided to make a 137mhz weather antenna but have hit a wall as it looks like I need to add a preamp at the masthead .
The signal is poor and may need to even reduce the coax length, or even change it all together ( I am using 75 ohm sat cable as i read it makes no difference as there is no transmitter connected)
I am using a SDRplay for receive with a 137 mhz bandpass filter at the input of the sdr.

SDR Uno for receive 
Com0com for virtual com ports
VB-Cable for virtual audio leads
Orbitron for frequency doplar control 
WxtoImg for decoding and storing images

Pics of antenna

The curves

The preamp
The preamp above will be the tester .. first I will bypass the blocking cap so I can inject 5v up the coax to power the preamp via a bias-t
.... to be continued 

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